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Thief breaks into womans car and steals $500 worth of sex toys

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A thief broke into multiple cars in the Bluff neighborhood of Sandy and stole some items rarely seen in police reports: sex toys.  Sandy police said there are at least five victims, but one woman had the most embarrassing police report.

"I can't believe it," said Chelsey Coutts, about her sedan trunk being broken into. "I'm still in shock."

And beyond the shock of a rare theft on her quiet street Monday, Coutts said she couldn't believe she had to tell police what someone stole.

"It was horrible. (The officer) kind of started laughing, but he felt bad so he asked me to describe everything in detail, and it was just horrible," Coutts said.

Coutts had been storing a cache of items that took her months and about $500 to collect for a bachelorette party this weekend.

"I've been storing it in my trunk because I have two little ones and didn't want them to see all the dirty things in there," said Coutts. "Lots of toys, blow-up items, all kinds of goodies."

"It broke my heart," said Haleigh Kirby, the bride-to-be, about the theft. "Chelsey's worked so hard for so long on all this, and she's done a really good job, and it's just sad to see someone come and take all that away like that. I don't even know what they could use it for."

The thief's intentions may never be known, but one thing's for sure: the party will go on.

"It's going to be fun no matter what," Kirby said.

Police won't say how the prowler broke into the cars, but Coutts said her door was unlocked.


Coutts said she's thankful for many donations she's already received to replace the items lost.






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(The officer) kind of started laughing, but he felt bad so he asked me to describe everything in detail



LOL!!  I know PK!  I know the officer probably made her describe in detail more than needed to be.  lol  She had like a 4 foot inflatable penis in there! 

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